WEB Page

The most important thing to know, when making a Web Page , 
is how to copy and paste

Make A Folder on your Desktop to keep all your information in
You should also keep any Pictures, Music Files, 
or anything else you want on your Web Page

You can make a Folder right now..
Heres how.. Minimize this page

When you get to your Desktop, Right Click on any bare space.
Select New/ "Folder.. You can name this Folder to anything you choose.
I Suggest you name it Web Page

When you're Finished, on your Task bar on the bottom of your Screen, 
you will see your Browser for Chat Room. 
Click on it, you will be back in this room.

Put everything you want on your Web Page in this Folder. 
Pictures, Music, Backgrounds and anything else you want on your page.

Great place for Triple Backgrounds is Here

It even gives you the HTML to make the background. Its  nice for the beginner.
Heck, they are nice for anyone.

You have a choice. If you like the background, save it. 
If not, start over until you find one you like.

Remember to save all the files to your Folder

Follow the instructions for downloading the necessary files. 
Copy & Paste the HTML to notepad
To Set your Background,text,link,Vlink colors, Use this Tag,
Change to color of your choice, also use these  bracket at the beginning of BODY
and at the end of VLINK="#6600CC < >
< before BODY BGCOLOR="#

You will find Color Codes here:
Text Colors
Color Codes

BODY BGCOLOR="#F5DEB3" TEXT="#990000" LINK="#FF00CC" VLINK="#6600CC"
B for  Bold Text
Yep ! You got it. Enclose the B in these brackets < > Bold

Anything enclosed in these brackets will not show on your Web Page
BR Break drops down one line
CENTER  Centers Text or Images  on Page
also enclosed with the < > brackets unless it has a URL of its on, 
like your Picture
Always put a Break after A picture or Line of Text

Pics on your page
Heres how to put a Picture on your Web Page:
Use this tag enclosed in the < > brackets
IMG SRC="/image.gif" Insert the name of the Pic you uploaded after erasing ,

IMG stands for "image." It announces to the browser that an image 
will go here on the page. Yes, the image will pop up right where you write in 
the image tag.

SRC stands for "source." This again is an attribute, a command inside a command.
It's telling the browser where to go to find the image. 
Again, it's best for you to place the images you want to use in the same 
directory as the page. This way you can call for the image by name alone. 
If you start to place your images all over the place, you'll have to start 
adding directories and sub-directories to the SRC attribute. 
And at this point, that is way too confusing. 
Just place the image in the same place as the HTML document 
that will call for it and then call for the image by name alone. 
You can get fancy later. Right now, let's just get it to work.

image.gif is the name of the image. Notice it's following the same type 
of format as your HTML documents. 
There is a name (image) then a dot and then there is a suffix (gif). 


Creating A Hypertext Link 

A stands for Anchor. It begins the link to another page. 
HREF stands for Hypertext REFerence. 
That's a nice, short way of saying to the 
browser, "This is where the link is going to go." 

/A ends the entire link command. 
Click Here For Next Page 

Substitute Your own URL for mine

You need to learn is how to bring up your Notepad, if you don't know how.

Using Notepad
First you must have something to copy on. I use notepad.
Go to start..

select notepad

At the top of your notepad screen is - x. Select - to minimize 
notepad for future use. 

Now your notepad will be at the bottom of your screen on your Task Bar. 
You may pull up notepad whenever you need it, by clicking on it.

Highlight the desired Text by holding down your left mouse button and  running 
the mouse over whatever you want to copy.. When the color has changed, 
you are ready to Copy by either of three methods.

(1) Hold down ctrl/C.. to copy  OR... 
(2) Select Edit Copy 
(3) Right Click on Highlighted Text, 
Click on Copy 

Now.. You're ready to Paste..(Choose method 1, 2, or 3) Bring up the Notepad..
by Clicking on it on your Taskbar
1.CTRL and V 
2.Edit/ Paste
3.Right Click on Text or URL/ Click on Paste

Now you're ready to Sign up for a site to build your Web Page. I use 50megs.
Its easy to use. You don't have to learn FTP (File Type Transfer)

Here is where you sign up
50 Megs  
Choose the Free one.. If you decide later you want the better upgrade, 
you can upgrade at any time

Select the name you want for your Site (Mine is SueTN) because there were a 
zillion Sue's 

Write down your User name and Password, 
You will need them when you login each time.. Also... They are case sensitive. 
SueTN is not the same as suetn

You can print all the Tips by Clicking on File/Print