Its a good idea to backup your Favorites, Bookmarks and email addresses.
If you buy another Computer, you'll have them saved

Saving Favorites
Click on File/Export
The Wizard will popup Click on Next
Click on Export/next/ Favorites/
In the Popup box , Click on Browse
Choose the destination (Floppy, CD-RW Recorder Desktop etc.)
Click on Save

Netscape Users
Saving Bookmarks
RIGHT Click on Start/Explore/Netscape
Scroll down to Profile
Click on Profile
RIGHT Click on Bookmarks Select Send to
Choose the destination (Floppy, CD-RW Recorder, Desktop etc.)

You can also use the Export Wizard

Saving Email addresses
Start/ Explore/ Program Files/ Outlook Express
Right Click on WAB and Send to Destination,
Floppy, CD-RW Desktop, - or any place you want to keep them

WAB is where your email addresses is kept

To: CC: or BCC ?
These are the Choices in Creating emails
CC if you want to send Carbon copies to different email addresses
BCC if you want to send Blind Carbon Copies

Do you ever get a Forward from someone with several email
addresses showing?
I have and do not like it.
If you want to send the contents of another email,
Hi Lite the Text, Use CTRL to Copy.
Click on Create email, Paste the Content of the email you copied
using CTRL V Use BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) to insert email addresses to friends,
relatives etc.
I'm sure they will appreciate you not revealing everyones email address

Computer Tips