

Folders on Desktop
Heres how:
Right Click on any bare space on your desktop
Select NEW/ Folder
You can give the folder a name. Folders are good to keep Pictures, 
Music and other things in

Folders in Favorites
Heres how:
Click on Favorites
Add to Favorites
Select NEW Folder
Name this Folder 
Nice to keep seperate URL's in
I have one I keep Music URL's in.

Netscaper users
Click on Bookmarks
Manage Bookmarks
Click on File/New/Folder

You can Play Music or Share a URL from Favorites by
RIGHT Clicking on the URL ( DO NOT LEFT Click)
After Right Clicking, Select Properties. 
In the Popup box the URL is Hi lited blue
Use CTRL C to Copy... 
In the Typing Box in Chat Room, Click once to activate.
Use CTRL V to paste in the Room

Netscape Users
Bookmarks/Manage Bookmarks
Scroll until you find the URL you want to Paste
RIGHT Click on the URL
Select Copy
In the Typing Box in Chat Room, Click once to activate.
Use CTRL V to paste in the Room

Folders in Outlook Express
Heres How:
Click on Outlook Express
Click on File /Folder/New
Nice to keep email you want to keep
I made one named Keepers. I Keep emails there I want to keep for a while.
To Move the Email to your New Folder,  Right Click and select Move to Folder.
Look for the Folder you made. Click on it to Hi Lite
Click OK

Netscape Users
Click on File/New/Folder

Computer Tips